Can Hamsters Eat Cranberries?

Can Hamsters Eat Cranberries? [Things You Should Know]

Cranberries! Yum, they are delicacies served on plates. We love them; do you love them too? We know you love them too. And what about your hamsters? Let’s check about this matter in detail. So, Can Hamsters Eat Cranberries? Feeding too many sugary items can cause your hamster to collapse. So, the amount you feed … Read More »

Can Hamsters Eat Pancakes?

Can Hamsters Eat Pancakes? [You Must Know Before Serving]

Who does not like pancakes? Pancakes are delicacies served on plates. It is made with various ingredients like flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk, melted butter, an egg, and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Lots of ingredients are there in Pancakes. But is it safe for Hamsters? So, Can Hamsters Eat Pancakes? Extra sugar can … Read More »

Can Hamsters Eat Lettuce

Can Hamsters Eat Lettuce? [Benefits & Harm to Your Hamster]

Lettuce is one of the great veggies we can find in every house. So If you have some extra Lettuce and are wondering about giving it to your cute little hamsters, this post will help you a lot. Because, here I’ve mentioned all the benefits, risks, and how to serve it to your hamster. So … Read More »

Can Hamsters Eat Sunflower Seeds

Can Hamsters Eat Sunflower Seeds? [Benefits & Risks]

Sunflower Seeds are great for our health. I eat this super seed almost every day with my breakfast as there are several benefits of eating this seed for us. Roasted Sunflower seeds are great in taste, but we can also eat them raw. But what about your Hamsters? Do they work the same on your … Read More »

Can Hamsters Eat Carrots?

Can Hamsters Eat Carrots? Things you should Know

I love carrots. And I hold a record of eating 400 gm of carrot at once, haha! Yes, it is accurate, and I love this veggie a lot. I asked my VET if hamsters like carrots or not. And also if it is safe for them or not. I also asked many hamster owners in … Read More »

How To Take Care Of a New Hamster

How To Take Care Of a New Hamster? [In Simple Words]

The hamster is the most common rodent in homes. It is a small animal that does not require much attention and is very easy to care for. It often makes them the perfect gift for children. However, you must consider primary care so that your little one is happy and leads a healthy life. To know how … Read More »

can hamsters eat oranges

Can Hamsters Eat Oranges? Things You Should Know

I was eating an Orange my mom brought from the local market. And I was also talking with my sister about how acids help us digest foods. But, suddenly, I thought, do the acids of Orange also help Hamsters to digest foods, or does it harm them as it has various acids and the hamster … Read More »

Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries?

Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries? [Learn How To Serve]

Who does not love blueberries? Probably the one who has never had it. Once you have it, it would be irresistible for you not to munch on a few for a guilt-free snacking. But, Can Your Hamsters Eat Blueberries? But before feeding, don’t forget to read onto specific disclaimers that this power food brings with … Read More »

Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes

Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes? [Here’s How To Serve Them]

Tomatoes are great and easy to get anywhere. We mostly always have Tomatoes in our home. If you have hamsters, you might often think of giving this fruit to them. But, Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes? If your Hamster is unwilling to have tomatoes or shows a visible disinterest, you need not force them to have … Read More »

Can Hamsters Eat Cashew

Can Hamsters Eat Cashews? [Everything You Need to Know]

Cashews are delicious and loved by one and all. Your hamster is not going to be the odd one out, though. Any nut is a very popular snack, and people love snacking on nuts. But, Can Hamsters Eat Cashews? Cashews are usually bumped up with a lot of fats, so checking the quantity will keep … Read More »